Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dont be a ROBO

Does anyone remember the sleeping model tape recorder? Or the first single casette 2-in-1 player which used to be a priced posession during the hay days of our parents? Those things were considered so precious articles that they made entry into the drawing room showcases. What is the period till which they served our parents? They served almost through our childhood and the early teenage which could be close to 15 years. Some houses would still find them in a good condition. In our house itself it was a great posession. Our day used to end with listening to cool soft melodies, devotional or non-devotional. No one knew when we used to slide into sleep listening to the music. It used to serve its purpose and it was taken care of equally well.

How much could it have costed at that time. Surely it would have costed a fortune and might have taken around six months of savings to purchase. Does anyone remember the amount of brainstorming and consultation that had gone into purchase of the black & white TV in our childhood? The one which had a shutter to close it. There used to be a rotatable knob to swich channels. And a blue screen to decreas the amount of light. It used to come with a booster and an antena which resembles the Eiffel Tower. That was a posession of sorts. Then what pains might have gone into the replacement of this Black and white TV with a colour Dyanora TV? Resale of the existing TV and the financial adjustments to make up for the extra amount. Surely another month or two in discussions and another years savings into it.

Does anyone remember the BATA mocassio cut shoes? Or the Ambassador shoes which our parents used to purchase once in a year or two. It used to speak of the stature of their owners. They used to be taken care of equally well and they lasted that long.

Why all this history class? Just think for a minute or two. That was the age when the earning capacity was minimal and the earnings were moderate. Even then almost every need was met. They used to follow a rule or order – first needs, then comforts then savings and if something is left, then they used to THINK of the luxuries.

These days the earnings are considerably higher. The earning hands have increased. But we forgot something which should have been the borne in mind. These days we think of luxuries first and the needs last. We purchase PLASMA TVs and DVD home theatres just with one check or a swipe of the credit card. We purchase branded foot wear and clothing. But just after two weeks or a month of usage they hardly look new or branded. We purchase LCDs,computers and DVD home theaters and within a month think about the updgrades. I agree that the upgrades are coming at a fascinatingly fast pase and lower prices. We purchase a decent good cell phone and in six months think or the iPhone 4G. In this fast paced life, even the spending has become pacy. Hence it has turned chaotic. We purchase things but do not take care of the things. Then think of updgrades and bother about them. What our fathers could do in a small income, we could not do it with a better income. Just think why?

Doesn’t an average employee in the corporate circle today enter the premisis of the office with a thought or fear or dissatisfaction in ones mind about the job they do? Doesn’t one keep thinking of the better conditions of their peers and friends in other offices. They fix their mind on the luxuries of their friends which they could get in shorter span of time. Then the urge that they should also get them. Then the haste that the current job is not allowing them to get those things. In all a sense of anger, dissatisfaction or even fear of being thrown out of the company.

Just take things one at a time. Every work in this world when you go to grassroot level is getting to know about the requirements and achieving it. So, from now on just think twice about your requirements. Then the ways and means that could best confirm to them. When you think of brushing the teeth the best quality tooth brush and paste would do and there is no need always and to everyone to buy and electronic brush and an expensive imported tooth paste. Same with the cosmetics, personal care products, provisions, household items, automobiles, electronics, clothings and other things. Think twice when you purchase and once you think so, you will better know the requirement and you will spend only what is required. Then you will having a sufficient pay. Then savings. Then come luxuries.

Just follow the simple rule – know the requirement and do things to conform to it (not over perform the requirement). Then not every house would find the necessity of a PLASMA TV or an automatic internet powered refrigirator. Follow the basic order of needs, comforts, savings and luxuries. This would bring planning into your life and then you would start taking good care of the things you possess and in turn your self.

Just as you walk out of the office turn it off your mind and stay to yourself, your world and your family. This would give your immense bliss. It is not that a person should dream about a better life. Dream about it. But in time make yourself capable to achieve it. When you think the current job is not fitting you to achieve your dreams then make yourself fit enough for the better job that you want.

The above planning gives you time for many things. Pursue your hobbies and hone your skills in the talents required for work. When you start doing this, you feel content with the life and start enjoying it and would grow up in a happier life and reach a better future.

Don’t be a Robo. Be a human.

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